Friday, June 24, 2011

Farewell, Pittsburgh

We've been over how leaving friends is difficult, and each time I make more it becomes harder to continue. The kids in Pittsburgh really know how to have a good time, and were more than willing to share it with me. After Billy and I parted ways, I met up with Adam who was my other CouchSurfing host in the city. We went back to his house and his roommates Eric and JJ were there. JJ was getting ready for a bus trip to NYC where he'll be playing viola for I believe an orchestra to teach composers? I may be mistaken, and the name slips my mind. Eric and I rode into REI where he works as a technician. He brought my bicycle back up to functional status. Eric the bicycle wizard! That term is actually coined by a friend of his, but it's true. Adam and I went to bar trivia that night and lost. We got third place out of five teams though, but it's still not first place. I want to thank everyone from Pittsburgh for your kindness, hospitality, and advice for the road ahead.

Wednesday morning I rode from Pittsburgh to Salem, OH where I had a campground reservation with my friend Bryan who drove out from Philadelphia to go camping with me! I was looking forward to an excellent night. When I got there we set up camp and quickly got some junk food at the local grocery store. During the drive, we were discussing my past week and a half and Hershey Park came up because I went on some coasters with Hannah. Bryan knew of an amusement park up in Sandusky, OH and we decided to head there the next day! Neither of us knew we'd be making that trek, but there we were planning in full force. That night, we gathered wood and chopped a fallen tree to build a fire. After a relaxing night of stories and silence, we went to sleep. We decided that the 50% chance of thunderstorm was not going to prove itself, so we left our rain covers off. Crashing thunder and a downpour woke us up in the middle of the night, and we scrambled to set them up. In the morning it was clear and sunny. We packed up and left around 11am for Akron, OH to eat lunch at VegiTerranean! A vegan restaurant owned by Chrissie Hynde from The Pretenders, it was loaded with choices that excited us to the point of ordering more than we could handle. We got a stuffed tomato, grilled chicken sandwich, sausage sandwich, and a gyro pizza. Keep in mind everything is vegan, so all the "meat" in our entrees was made with a combination of soy and wheat gluten flavored to perfection. A fantastic meal. Our server was super helpful and really cute! Her name was Emily, and she was more than helpful with our decisions. She also pointed out that Chrissie had walked in and was sitting at a table adjacent to us! It was truly an unexpected circumstance. We left the restaurant and continued to Sandusky for roller coasters. A day at that park will wipe you out, so we were tired after riding almost every one. That night we were looking for a cafe or diner or any place to just sit down and have a hot beverage and relax. Unfortunately, most of northern Ohio is riddled with chain restaurants and hotels for the tourists, so we never actually found a place to go. We weren't paying attention and we drove all the way to Bowling Green, OH, where we parked and slept in a Walmart parking lot. The next morning I geared up and said my goodbyes to Bryan, again, and began the trek to Montpelier.

Right now I'm at a public library in Delta, OH, and looking for the trail to continue onward. I don't have a place to stay tonight, so I may stealth or hopefully meet a friendly host to put me up for the night! I'm going to get riding, since I've been battling the rain all day. Everything is soaked, and I am cold. Hopefully the next post will not be so far from the last.


  1. Hi Babe!
    So glad Bryan came out to camp & you both had some FUN time on this long journey. I sure hope the weather changes for the better soon. I think you've been rained on enough for a while. Also hoping you find a place to stay or camp & can get warm & dry. Love Ya!!!

  2. Sounds like you had some big fun... I agree with Mom I hope you get a break in the weather... I also hope you found a nice dry place to crash last night. Happy trails
    Love you and I'm so proud of you...
    Aunt V

  3. Hi Sean sounds like you are really enjoying yoursefl now. You did mention if the rollar coasters were as good as Hershey?? I also, like your Mom and Aunt, hope the weather dries out for you!! You have had enough rain!! I also hope you found somewhere to sleep.........And tell me you did not take a PICTURE of Chrissy Hynde!! Make your Mom and Dad proud and take some pictures will YA!!

    Be safe...............

  4. Hi Sean! All of us over here are wishing you the best and hope you found someplace warm and dry to sleep tonight. Your cousins ask about you all the time and want to know that you are safe. I overheard Erin talking to her Girl Scout friends this weekend saying "my cousin is driving a bicycle to California." It was so cute! Keep up the interesting posts (you write so well!) and we are looking forward to some pics! Love, Aunt Mary and family
